Late Summer / Fall Seeded SoilBuilder™ Mixes
COVER CROP RECOMMENDATION REQUEST Click here for your customized SoilBuilder Mix
SoilBuilder Brassica Mix works for all situations in current stover corn or soybean for cover cropping and Soil building. This mixture can be grazed as well. This mix provides very good nutrient cycling and forage. A caution on using this over other mixes is that the brassica plants have a low C:N ration, which will reduce residue, leave the soil bare and open to soil erosion. It also requires more grazing management and the need for additional dry matter forage for livestock. Plant 6 to 9#/Acre
SoilBuilder Option 1-Aerial Application is designed and enhanced over the brassica mix with added grass and legumes. This option with wheat will give some growing roots through the winter thus providing erosion control and soil building. It could be used as a late winter to spring grazer and then terminate. Plant 9 to 14#/Acre
This Mix has two other options to add either wheat or winter rye or wheat/Rye combinations. Click Here
SoilBuilder Option 2-Fall and Winter Graze/Cover Increased biomass provides high carrying capacities for grazing in the late fall to winter but will terminate with freeze out. Plant 50 to 120#/Acre
Soilbuilder Option 3-Fall, Winter, Spring Graze/Cover is the most versatile mix designed as the optimum for fall growth and winter annuals to extend the growth and grazing into the next spring. Makes an excellent hay and silage crop. Plant 60 to 120#/Acre
Options with winter rye or wheat/ rye are also available. Click here
SoilBuilder Option 4-Winter and Spring Graze/Cover Normally planted late fall with primarily winter annuals when it’s too late to utilize spring annuals. Fall growth is limited but will over winter well and provide grazing and cover in the spring of 2018! Plant 50 to 120#/Acre Options with winter rye or wheat/ rye are also available. Click Here