Arrow Xeriscape Wildflower Mixture

Designed for the arid conditions and sites West of Highway 81 in Nebraska. Nice combination of annuals, biennials, and perennials with low water requirements. Colors include Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, White, Blue, Pink, and Lavender.

Plant height ranged from 12 to 48 inches.
Approximately 173,000 pure live seeds perpound.

Works well with Blue grama, Sideoats grama, Little bluestem, Western wheatgrass, and Buffalograss.

Seeding rate: 3-5 oz./1,000 sq. ft. or 12-18 lbs./acre.

Mixture includes: Blue Flax, Purple Prairieclover, Perennial Lupine, Butterfly Milkweed, Pale Purple Coneflower, Lemon Mint,  Blackeyed Susan, Blue Cornflower, Partridge Pea, Mexican Red Hat, Clarkia, California Poppy, White Prairieclover,  White Yarrow, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Coneflower, Clasping Coneflower,Sulphur Cosmos, and Gaillardia.

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