Winter Wheat

Arrow Seed has long been a leader in producing and marketing small grains with an emphasis on hard red winter wheat. This position of leadership has been earned through extra care and professionalism in conditioning and marketing the latest improved varieties suited to the central plains.  Arrow Seed offers certified public, AgriPro, and WestBred varieties.

Why Plant Certified Seed Wheat?
• Planted with proven seed stock.
• Has passed field inspection for varietal purity, other crops and weeds.
• Seed is conditioned by approved plant maintaining varietal identity.
•Tagged with Laboratory analysis for germ, variety purity, noxious weeds and seed count.

Certified seed is one of the best management practices for producing high profit yields. Planting certified seed ensures high quality, weed-free seed with known germination and test weight. In addition, during the busy harvest and planting season, certified seed offers time savings and convenience due to careful conditioning.
Plug your numbers into this CERTIFIED SEED CALCULATOR (page 2 of document) to see how planting certified seed pays!

Variety Complementation
The proper choice of varieties is probably the most important tool that a producer has to help him spread his risks. Always plant at least three varieties with a range of genetics and maturities. Most importantly, always pick varieties that match specific soil conditions, management practices and off er the best protection from disease and problems common to your growing area.

Plant Variety Protection Act: All varieties listed are applied for or protected under Title V of PVPA and can only be sold as a class of certified seed by authorized producers and dealers.  This federal law grants plant breeders patent-like protection on any form of seed sale of protected varieties.  Arrow Seed, AgriPro Wheat, and WestBred will strictly enforce PVPA laws and will pursue all violations.

Informative Links:



UNL Crop Watch Wheat Variety Tests
Colorado State Wheat Variety Tests
Kansas State Wheat Variety Tests

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